Sébasien Prats
Spontaneous Singing and Dancing
Self-taught author, composer and performer for more than 20 years, Sébastien Prats offers an artistic originality that transcends borders. From its name SPONTAKI comes Sponta (neity) and the "ki" word designating energy in Japanese. From a world-pop-electro-tribal-meditative sound bursts an aesthetic with a thousand and one facets. Traveler of the imagination, singer with a spontaneous, uncodified language (Nosfell, Sigur Rós, Dead can dance…), between ancestral traditional aesthetics (Amerindian, African, Indian) where past and present mingle with Celtic and medieval accents… Spontaki draws multiform curves between timeless dimensions. Close to nature and its energies, he draws his inspiration, his poetry and his ability to create magnetic, bewitching and singular sound spaces.